Our Team

State Coordinator
Dennis has been married to his lovely wife Sara for 25 years and they have two adult children Sadie a senior at Whitworth University studying Computer Science UX/design and Caleb who works for Amazon Web Services as solutions architect.
Dennis is a founding member and an elder at Canyon Hills Community Church in Bothell, Washington. Dennis has served at CHCC since its inception in 1995 performing various duties such as: evangelism training, worship team member, Life Group leader, short term mission trainer and leader, mission’s council member, Flock Leader, and prayer group leader. He currently serves in prayer ministry and as a Life Group and Flock Group leader.
Dennis began working with America Prays in August of 2020 leading an initiative, “Stand in the Gap,” for the 39 counties of Washington State. In the summer of 2021, he began serving as the state coordinator for WA Prays.
Dennis is blessed to be used by God in ministry and is humbled to spend his days bringing pastors and church leaders together in ministry and prayer. He truly lives the Mathew 28:18-20 verses where we are called to make disciples of all the nations and Colossians 4:2 and Romans 12:12 where we are exhorted to be devoted to and faithful in prayer.

Virginia Chapman
Virginia (Ginny) Chapman has functioned as the Prayer Coordinator for a ministry named Church Awakening for the last 12 years. Church Awakening is a ministry founded by Senior Pastor Alec Rowlands of Westgate Chapel in Edmonds, WA (www.churchawakening.com) to bring strategic corporate prayer into the churches of Washington State.
Ginny has facilitated for the past 6 years, a weekly hour-long prayer call with 20+ other prayer intercessors around Washington State. She has been an active Christian for more than 40 years and has served her church in a wide variety of roles and responsibilities.
As a teacher, intercessor, advocate and counselor she has enjoyed a rich array of ministry assignments. She also currently serves as a founding board member of Family Policy Institute of Washington (www.fpiw.org) and until recently a board member of Light Up the City, a ministry of Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission.